Thursday 2 March 2017


Have you stopped to consider what you are doing? Wait before you pass the picture of the young girl, have you stopped to consider how she might feel? “I doubt it because it's just the internet right! No big deal right”. Wrong there are thousands of people that are humiliated by embarrassing photos of them sometimes photo’s that were taken to create awareness about certain skin conditions or lack of nutrition. Most of the time these pictures (MEMES) are created and shared  without their consent.

Yet the nefarious nature of adding what is known as a “caption” to the image might create unwanted attention that can be hurtful and damaging to a young mind behind the computer screen. THIS IS KNOWN AS THE MONSTER who changes faces, his name is cyber-bullying. Yes! Passing around a picture that you deem as funny might actually have a long term effect on the people in those pictures. It seems harmless yet cyber-bullying is one of the many struggles that people still face all over the world.

Place yourself in the shoes of the individual who has been laughed at or called names repeatedly and not just by acquaintances but by strangers too. Now imagine looking into the mirror and seeing all those hurtful words imprinted on your skin. Self-confidence is now at an all-time zero. How do we expect that individual to converse or fit in with society? This evil build of emotion creates an outcast out of the individual leading to many dysfunctional attributes about one's character.  
But there is good news there are many ways to check yourself from time to time !!

  • Check yourself, use the “Think” analogy to see if you are not becoming a monster  
  • Stay private be aware of the types of photo’s you post and who has access to them
  • Moms, dads become more aware of what your children are doing. Become technology aware.
  • Use the parenting sites to monitor your children's internet activity
  • Get involved with SID (safer internet day) this is a fun way to familiarize yourself with internet safety.

Fortunately there are people who care out there visit SaveTnet

SafeTNet Cyber Safety is an organisation that aims to save lives by creating awareness for responsible digital engagement and offers support to people who are in trouble.  People don't realize that by adding their Like, Share or Comment to online posts, they are actually becoming part of the distribution channel of that post, which could have legal implications.


  1. It's really sad and frightening especially when human trafficking is also on the rise.That image could land in anyone's hands.

    Ofcourse the consequences of seeing ones photo on a meme are mortifying

    1. True Tumi! But there is some good news there are many ways one can control the privacy settings on their social media accounts. This provides a sense of control over your digital footprint and you can control who can access your images. THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO CARE!!! check out @SaveTNet

  2. You touched on an issue thats so close to my heart dude... Bullying is the entire reason why i hated every moment of high school. whether its cyber or physical bullying, its all really not cool cause even if it doesnt get to a point of one commiting suicide, emotional death is the worst
    I wish more people could touch on such matters so this can be known as one of the major factors people have such low self esteem issues.. Thanks Dee :)

    1. Ndumi You and alot of us experienced some sort of bullying yet thank God for modern day technology we can do something about it now #Cyberbullying must fall visit @SaveTNet.

  3. I couldn't agree more, all forms of bulling should be stopped! Or controlled. Thanks for addressing this topic Dinaledi, more awareness should be created


  4. A child often feels alone, their self esteem change, and they are ashamed to share the truth and get help. Teachers bullying students also occurs across the school system, and sadly many students do not know where to turn because they are afraid to get into trouble. When it is an adult that is doing the bullying, the damage can be much worse because the child does not even realize

  5. A child often feels alone, their self esteem change, and they are ashamed to share the truth and get help. Teachers bullying students also occurs across the school system, and sadly many students do not know where to turn because they are afraid to get into trouble. When it is an adult that is doing the bullying, the damage can be much worse because the child does not even realize

  6. That is so true! and the cyber bullying is worse because you dont know who and where it's coming from!Its damaging and hurtful we should speak up about it!! There is hope, one can report the page or account user also if there are damaging pictures one can spam them or report use!!! SPEAK UP about the MONSTERS!!

  7. Well I agree with you Lil'Star. Internet must be safer because there is lots a lot of people who suffer from all sort of negative actions of the other people.
    I think we nead to start with teaching how safely to use net. Because I don't think that lots of people realising that during bad on line could have a big effect on others because they're thinking if there isn't any physical contact so that person is unharmed.
    As well net must be more controlled.

  8. Well I agree with you Lil'Star. Internet must be safer because there is lots a lot of people who suffer from all sort of negative actions of the other people.
    I think we nead to start with teaching how safely to use net. Because I don't think that lots of people realising that during bad on line could have a big effect on others because they're thinking if there isn't any physical contact so that person is unharmed.
    As well net must be more controlled.

  9. So true! Here is link to a website that allows you to track what your children are doing .Its important for moms and dads to get involved with internet safety and aware with whats going on!

  10. Thank you Dinaledi for the the helpful information an sites they are major help

    1. PLEASURE! thank you for reading and lending me your ears and eyes spread the word and get involved.

  11. I never took cyber bullying seriously i guess you learn something new everyday... The government plans to censor the internet in South Africa, what are your views on this as a form of cyber bullying prevention, and is it killing the right to freedom of speech.

  12. That's really such a big eye opener and I myself never took passing on memes or any picture on the internet as any big deal, but now that I read this I definitely think I would think twice. Thank you Dee this really has been a huge eye opener. 💮
