Tuesday 21 August 2018

We talking about women’s month!!!!! So why are there pictures of two men, Who are these guys !!!!!!

Joe Human
We talking about women’s month so why are there pictures of two men, Who are these guys !!!!!!

I spoke to two familiar faces these gentlemen are aspiring entrepreneurs which means they have a part in shaping the economy we live in. Surely their mindset is of some value and could influence the feature aspiring entrepreneurs.

1. What do you think women’s month means?
💬 Joe: “I think woman’s month is a specific time dedicated to highlighting the contribution of our woman through historical events, their efforts in our society and reminding them of the power and influence they have in our lives.”

Bahle Nteleki
💬Bahle: "I personally do not understand or acknowledge the month of August as women's month. I do not comprehend how a single month can be identified or allocated to the awareness of our mothers, wives, and daughters."

Both men had different answers one leaned towards looking at a time allocation and the other could not place a time frame on the celebration of women with more questions we get to understand their train of thought. Which is important because if these are the leaders of our tomorrow then stand a chance of changing our today!
2. Does the month of August feel different from every other month?
💬Bahle: "The month of August feels the same as other months to me. I feel that we need to do more for all women."

💬Joe: "I think it feels like any other month, the days and nights are the same but there’s a heightened conscious on just appreciating the women we are surrounded with".

The men had similar answers. I started to wonder if “the months” celebrations were as effective and what the allocation of the month, did for women. This is a general question on all women’s mind “what does women's month do for me personally? will there be less catcalling, rape and abuse? Sure the month's celebration are not to be frowned upon but the question is, Are they enough? 
I continue the conversation with Joe 
photo by Phila T Shidi

3. How do you feel about the hashtag “men are trash”?
💬Joe: "I’m all for the hashtag. I think as men when we are attacked with social ills we tend to overlook the context, I remember seeing a lot of posts on social media where some men would say things like “If men are trash then you’re also referring to your fathers and elders”, for us as men to actually start changing our society and create safer environments for our women, we need to accept that we have a problem, we need to accept that WE ARE THE PROBLEM. Only then can we start to seek solutions that will change the stigma".

The hashtag came to life in full motion after the death of Karabo Mokoena. Social media became a large driver in hosting the controversy and thoughts around the topic

4. How do you feel about the woman in your life?
💬Joe: "Growing up, my parents have been the biggest influences towards the person I am today. My mom especially taught me how to treat my younger sisters. She said to protect them and be a strong figure in their lives, with this came certain values instilled in me and made me seek these values in the people that surround me. I feel very happy about the women in my life, they have an evolving influence on me and are continuously shaping me to be better".

5. What does the term “female” mean to you?
💬Joe: "I remember how in high school we learned about prefixes and suffixes, you know how we have the word male and we need to add the “fe” to it so that it refers to our women? That’s a prefix and it’s one that comes before, to me the word female simply means one that comes first. In everything!"

The way men are brought up tends to affect their thought process, yet we can not solely rely on that single factor. I feel that our schooling curriculum should cover behavior on a more interactive level rather than leave our youth to be consumed by what society drowns them with. 

6. Do you have a message for fellow aspiring male entrepreneurs?
💬Joe: "I’d like to remind my fellow entrepreneurs that the future is female. We need to strive to create better environments and not underestimate women in our industry or the workplace. Let’s constantly continue opportunities that will make all of us win."

This conversation has to be regarded as a fruitful interaction because with the understanding of tomorrow's leaders we can change the future and how we act today. The main objective is to inspire men with individuals who are relatable to them. Joe human is an aspiring business owner who shares his thoughts on his website. 

Women’s month should not be August only! It should be every day. With the daily struggles that females face one can only assume that we going to need more than 31 days of appreciation and awareness. There are foundations that work on the empowerment of women in business and around the world and they are the torchbearers for the movement.





  1. Very interesting read, I really liked Bahles's way of answering. It addresses something which most people turn a blind eye on which is why people only want to acknowledge the impact of women in society only in the month of August and not every month.

    1. He made a stern comment and stood by his beliefs when I further questioned him, Bahle is really an entrepreneur to look out for. I feel that his mentality is the main reason for his success

  2. A truthful perspective from both gentlemen. Women should be more celebrated and respected within society,and men should recognise the part they play in the injustices that happen. i feel the blanket term that is #menaretrash is problematic,but besides that this article is on point👌

    1. Thanks for the comment the term is problematic we need to remove it

  3. This blog reminds me of a certain painting by Vincent Van Gough. Both works are refections on life as we know it, and yet neither of them approach these matters in rudimentionalry fashion. It is refeshing to have a blog whos subject matter is mostly centered around women and yet whose conetent is almost entirely through the eyes of men.

    We need more....

    1. Glad to hear you feel this way! I hope to bring you more in every read!

  4. You're a visionary Dinaledi. It's women's month and yet here you are having two gentlemen speak about the idea. Unorthodox, I love it. I also like what Joe said about the prefix fe ;quite insightful. This blog was very eye opening , your collaboration was sound these men hold wisdom that just compliments your brilliance. Spirit.

    1. Thank you so much! I’m glad to hear you feel this way I hope to bring you more.Stay tuned !!!See you next week

  5. Great Blog, great questioning and amazing answers as well, the same way that love shouldn't be celebrated in February only due to valentines day the same should apply with women's day...and even though the majority of men are trash but let's not forget that there's still a few left that are good.

