Monday 27 August 2018



YOUR PUBLIC RELATIONS STUNT !!! SUCKS !!! (click below to open tweet)

(click here to see how long its been) ITS BEEN OVER A YEAR  

Being a South African and living in constant fear of racism is not enough? What's worse is, the possibility of you being a victim of some racist attack that will not only leave your already poor family in more debt but broken! Trump’s little innocent tweet is not at all alarming.

This man is not stupid! He is power hungry, drunk in love with being the boss. His character is flawed much like his twisted ego built on wealth. He has run out trick’s, so let's point at how Obama isn't as great as you think. This very stunt spells spin doctoring which brings me to the questioning of ethics, in the industry. Practitioners need better methods to fix problems rather than playing the “but look what he did card”!      

South Africa stands the chance of losing more investors. Is the country's GDP strong enough to stand indirect petty posts from trump? The country should not be tarnished by this desperate ego game played by Trump yet sadly this man cannot be ignored. He does maintain the most powerful and influential chair in the white house.

From Trump’s perspective, Cyril is actively allowing the mistreating of white farmers. While seizing their land. If the president can identify such corruption then surely he would speak up of the thousands of black people who targeted in America for the color of their skin.

"A whole campaign (black lives matter)" has never been tweeted about or addressed by Trump but South Africa’s wrongs are spoken about! Geez, thanks Trump we needed the spreading OF FAKE NEWS!!!!

Writing about this man is exhausting! So let us focus on how we can do better! Honestly, I'm ashamed of the public relations team around this man! Ethically speaking, reporting or suggesting invalid statements should cause you to cringe. Next time THINK! ethically    

Surely PRSA should have had something to say! How does the team around the most prestigious chair in the white house, communicate? I'm scared of the imprints that Trump is going to leave on the already broken image of PR. Occurrences of this sort will hurt the industry even further. Communication strategies provide a shared understanding within the global context


THANK YOU, SEE YOU NEXT WEEK!!! (click on all highlighted areas for more)


  1. Glad you think so , Trump’s tweets could really damage our economy and affect the lives of many. The industry needs a better code of ethics.

  2. Honestly never looked at it that’re spot on

  3. Thank you ! hopefully my insights change or bring some motion to thought. See you next week
