Monday 3 September 2018


The sooner we can accept our differences the better! I’m black, you blue, Hellen is Indian, Tim is purple, Diana is lesbian, Karley is yellow, Jake is gay and my dear friends it’s OK! Skin colour or sexual orientation should not be an excuse to treat the next person like they are not human.

LGBTI is not a bunch of letters put together to confuse people, nor is it a test to see if you can stutter. The LGBTI is a revolutionary movement/community that aims to bring awareness to the rest of the world about their struggles of being individuals who are in same-sex relationships/marriages or people who are born intersex or transgender.   

The University of Johannesburg held an event that carried power and awareness on Monday the 3rd of September. The event was aimed at opening a conversation and bringing the topic towards a learning institution, not only to hear what the youth had to say yet to empower the future of tomorrow. The event had the likes of Dr. Anthony, Shalley Barry, Siya Khumalo, Bujy Bikwa, Adv Henk Horn and more. All the stories told by the invited speakers held a strong sense of awareness and experience.

They spoke about the steps that the University had taken to accommodate members of the LGBTI community eg. the gender-neutral bathrooms and the same-sex marriage that took place on all campuses, in the year of 2017. Gender neutral bathrooms do raise a concern in the heterosexual world because of the topic of rape, yet the University was brave enough to take the step to a more accepting society in terms of LGBTI community, yet still left allocated bathrooms that are specific to each gender. No stone was left unturned in the proceedings of this event, each speaker had a direct and powerful message to share. Buyj’s message was my favorite, he left the room with these words “Let us love ourselves no matter what. Love yourself unconditionally to a point that other people look at you and say whoa that's beautiful even if you think you not the best, don't doubt yourself”.

My thoughts are, the sooner we can accept that we are different the sooner we can achieve a more peaceful world without discrimination, oppression, and violence. As a communications practitioner, my form of influence is centered around creating a better world for everyone. So here’s the message... EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT, ACCEPT IT! Don't be afraid to be yourself.

Listen!!!!! The world is a place that we still need to get a hold in terms of understanding. There are so many misunderstood concepts! We need love, communication, and acceptance. Question yourself, What purpose do you have hating or discriminating against another individual, What do you gain from the oppression of another human being? Then ask yourself, Would you be able to take all the hate you give? Stop forcing your beliefs and way of life on other people. LIVE YOUR LIFE and be happy spread love and grow.


  1. It’s imperative to have such initiatives. They serve as a place of solace for the LGBTQ community. They are often victimed and isolated from society. We are all the same! It’s time to believe and accept this.


    1. Very true but accepting and respecting the next persons differences can be a solution ! Thank you for commenting ❤️

  2. The statements made above are indeed true but I reckon it's better to ease people in the LGBTI community. As you find that not everyone is familiar with how one registers themselves and it may come across as ignorance but you'll find that the person doesn't know. Let's educate each other

    1. In the event they spoke about the way the education system lacks information around the topic. The UJ event organizers will post a link to a petition to get the government to teach our youth about the topic be on the look out for it ❤️πŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œ
      Thank you for the comment see you next week

  3. Spoken like a true scholar. This is a very controversial and important motion.

  4. this is a beautiful piece loving yourself is a very important aspect in life by loving yourself the more you become confident and able to accept the next person for who they are

    1. Glad you can relate. With self love everything is possible ! Hope to see you next week

  5. Having lived through all the stares and hateful words, it's really warmed my heart to know that there are people like you who have my back. Thank you for that.
    The piece was beautifully written.

    Side note: I appreciate the meme at the end😊

  6. Awwww you welcome . The best way to live your life is to be yourself, you are rare . Thank you for the comment hope to see you next week
