Monday 17 September 2018


What is state capture? No, you may not ask a friend nor google it. Can you actually answer with a definition of the term based on your knowledge? Okay let’s assume you can, where is state capture most predominant, South Africa right?

South Africa, the 24-year-old whose past life isn't so “past”. This kid's demons still come out to play! Let's personify the country and imagine for a second that South Africa is a child born in 1994. Birthed by a woman who was or is “racially unstable” and prejudice, the lady only cared about specific parts of herself. The other parts were badly beaten, unfairly treated, and cheated out on a good education. These unfairly treated parts, of this deranged lady, are the same parts that the 24-year-old has to use to cope, understand and grow a future from. Do you think “South Africa” is doing well?

Sadly in this instance, South Africa is not an individual, it's a country! That's where the state capture concept stems from, right there, in that tiny gap of knowledge. The term is defined to be a type of political corruption that is driven by personal interests. Which in my opinion doesn't surprise me! Imagine being deprived of a good education, fair conditions and healthy background then being thrown with the responsibility of looking after not only yourself but an entire nation's basic needs and best interests. Let's not kid ourselves, the ANC is not made of holy and just members who can steer away temptations yet this does not mean that specific parts of the party are allowed to meddle with the livelihood of the nation. When one mentions STATE CAPTURE surely one cannot go WITHOUT MENTIONING THE NOTORIOUS CLAN, the Guptas! You have to truly commend how a
family can become such a force to reckon with! The family is not only involved in scandals and fraud around high-end organisations such as KPMG but now also around one of the most trusted South African banks.

From the Public Relations perspective this is not a GOOD LOOK for the ANC. Yes, the country has been through a lot but infiltration from an outside influence, can shake the trust of the receiving end. Who in this case are the citizens of the country! Who have been waiting for some good news since 1994. Yet are sadly still to await the news because of fake news, misleading trends and corruption. The communication industry is essential at this point and more so, ethics are of great importance to all practitioners! It may come down to the practitioners of this country to stop the early signs of a political war, inflation, and a broken economy because the rand is not looking so good.

The country should focus on the nationalisation of all major stakeholders such as  investors, banks, and organisations that influence the country's GDP. Land reform is a conversation that demands more initiative from the government and the constitutional high court of South Africa. The educational system is a joke because how many of us can actually speak confidently about credit or equities of our financial well being? But mostly one cannot stress how important vivid and honest communication is, and how it can change the momentum and direction of the economy. SO COME ON INDUSTRY!!! It's time to do what we know best, ETHICALLY communicate and start conversations with the masses. I hope this blog sparks a conversation or two!


Monday 10 September 2018


EVERYONE!!!!! YOU AND YOU AND YOU !!!!!!! This may be the best campaign ever seen. “Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything”. This is the most relatable tagline constructed, read it again and for safety purposes, read it once more! Then turn around and tell me how you object my opinion and I’ll wait then reply with believe in something even if it means, sacrificing everything.  

On a more concerning issue, the campaign did create quite a stir. Some Nike fans were so outraged by whom Nike picked as the face of the advertisement. They took to social media to burn their Nikey gear not only demonstrating how they deeply believe that Nike was wrong but they were willing to sacrifice everything that belongs to the brand. Fueling the views, creating talk and memories but potentially creating the most cost-efficient movement! The people who took to the social platform to destroy the Nike products were against the views and beliefs of an athlete who is the face of the tagline. Colin Kaepernick, kneeled down during the U.S national anthem. Protesting what he believed to be a racial injustice against African Americans. This caused an uproar of patriots to fume, one  could only assume these are the same people burning their own pricey shoes

From a Public Relations perspective, Risk is a trick among the tools! Yet one could argue that Nike has done no injustice by simply allowing Kaepernick to be the face of their campaign. They may be commending his strength to stand for something that he believes and his audacity to be able to go for what he feels is right! Which co-aligns with the company's slogan “Just do it”. I’m sure you can imagine the Public relations team questioning the backlash and the organizer's actually bringing to their motto to life! “JUST DO IT”. This is possibly the most arguable campaign, would the organization receive the same response if they placed an individual who did not relate to the public’s concern? The backlash isn't really positive! People disassociating from the brand because of what the brand believes, in such a violent manner speaks multitudes but also plays right into the campaign BELIEVE IN SOMETHING. EVEN IF IT MEANS SACRIFICING EVERYTHING!

The organization is not playing to the masses but rather to the concern of the minority, majestically showing off their abilities to be socially aware and responsible. Which is what the world needs from BIG brand organisations. Social awareness is important because it invests in the surrounding environment which is a great way of giving back. The campaign also spoke about drive and ambitions that dreams create. This is undoubtedly the best campaign carried out not only because of the way it aligns with the mission statement of the organization but also supporting and addressing numerous topics, like disability in sports or coming from unfortunate backgrounds or being put down by stereotypes within an industry.  


To a more unrelated topic, Depression is a slow killer taking and ripping away from the world. Many don't necessarily believe that Mac Miller was depressed but with his recent work “swimming” one can only regret how they missed the signs. MAY HIS SOUL REST IN PEACE. WE HAVE LOST A GREAT SOUL !

Monday 3 September 2018


The sooner we can accept our differences the better! I’m black, you blue, Hellen is Indian, Tim is purple, Diana is lesbian, Karley is yellow, Jake is gay and my dear friends it’s OK! Skin colour or sexual orientation should not be an excuse to treat the next person like they are not human.

LGBTI is not a bunch of letters put together to confuse people, nor is it a test to see if you can stutter. The LGBTI is a revolutionary movement/community that aims to bring awareness to the rest of the world about their struggles of being individuals who are in same-sex relationships/marriages or people who are born intersex or transgender.   

The University of Johannesburg held an event that carried power and awareness on Monday the 3rd of September. The event was aimed at opening a conversation and bringing the topic towards a learning institution, not only to hear what the youth had to say yet to empower the future of tomorrow. The event had the likes of Dr. Anthony, Shalley Barry, Siya Khumalo, Bujy Bikwa, Adv Henk Horn and more. All the stories told by the invited speakers held a strong sense of awareness and experience.

They spoke about the steps that the University had taken to accommodate members of the LGBTI community eg. the gender-neutral bathrooms and the same-sex marriage that took place on all campuses, in the year of 2017. Gender neutral bathrooms do raise a concern in the heterosexual world because of the topic of rape, yet the University was brave enough to take the step to a more accepting society in terms of LGBTI community, yet still left allocated bathrooms that are specific to each gender. No stone was left unturned in the proceedings of this event, each speaker had a direct and powerful message to share. Buyj’s message was my favorite, he left the room with these words “Let us love ourselves no matter what. Love yourself unconditionally to a point that other people look at you and say whoa that's beautiful even if you think you not the best, don't doubt yourself”.

My thoughts are, the sooner we can accept that we are different the sooner we can achieve a more peaceful world without discrimination, oppression, and violence. As a communications practitioner, my form of influence is centered around creating a better world for everyone. So here’s the message... EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT, ACCEPT IT! Don't be afraid to be yourself.

Listen!!!!! The world is a place that we still need to get a hold in terms of understanding. There are so many misunderstood concepts! We need love, communication, and acceptance. Question yourself, What purpose do you have hating or discriminating against another individual, What do you gain from the oppression of another human being? Then ask yourself, Would you be able to take all the hate you give? Stop forcing your beliefs and way of life on other people. LIVE YOUR LIFE and be happy spread love and grow.

Monday 27 August 2018



YOUR PUBLIC RELATIONS STUNT !!! SUCKS !!! (click below to open tweet)

(click here to see how long its been) ITS BEEN OVER A YEAR  

Being a South African and living in constant fear of racism is not enough? What's worse is, the possibility of you being a victim of some racist attack that will not only leave your already poor family in more debt but broken! Trump’s little innocent tweet is not at all alarming.

This man is not stupid! He is power hungry, drunk in love with being the boss. His character is flawed much like his twisted ego built on wealth. He has run out trick’s, so let's point at how Obama isn't as great as you think. This very stunt spells spin doctoring which brings me to the questioning of ethics, in the industry. Practitioners need better methods to fix problems rather than playing the “but look what he did card”!      

South Africa stands the chance of losing more investors. Is the country's GDP strong enough to stand indirect petty posts from trump? The country should not be tarnished by this desperate ego game played by Trump yet sadly this man cannot be ignored. He does maintain the most powerful and influential chair in the white house.

From Trump’s perspective, Cyril is actively allowing the mistreating of white farmers. While seizing their land. If the president can identify such corruption then surely he would speak up of the thousands of black people who targeted in America for the color of their skin.

"A whole campaign (black lives matter)" has never been tweeted about or addressed by Trump but South Africa’s wrongs are spoken about! Geez, thanks Trump we needed the spreading OF FAKE NEWS!!!!

Writing about this man is exhausting! So let us focus on how we can do better! Honestly, I'm ashamed of the public relations team around this man! Ethically speaking, reporting or suggesting invalid statements should cause you to cringe. Next time THINK! ethically    

Surely PRSA should have had something to say! How does the team around the most prestigious chair in the white house, communicate? I'm scared of the imprints that Trump is going to leave on the already broken image of PR. Occurrences of this sort will hurt the industry even further. Communication strategies provide a shared understanding within the global context


THANK YOU, SEE YOU NEXT WEEK!!! (click on all highlighted areas for more)

Tuesday 21 August 2018

We talking about women’s month!!!!! So why are there pictures of two men, Who are these guys !!!!!!

Joe Human
We talking about women’s month so why are there pictures of two men, Who are these guys !!!!!!

I spoke to two familiar faces these gentlemen are aspiring entrepreneurs which means they have a part in shaping the economy we live in. Surely their mindset is of some value and could influence the feature aspiring entrepreneurs.

1. What do you think women’s month means?
💬 Joe: “I think woman’s month is a specific time dedicated to highlighting the contribution of our woman through historical events, their efforts in our society and reminding them of the power and influence they have in our lives.”

Bahle Nteleki
💬Bahle: "I personally do not understand or acknowledge the month of August as women's month. I do not comprehend how a single month can be identified or allocated to the awareness of our mothers, wives, and daughters."

Both men had different answers one leaned towards looking at a time allocation and the other could not place a time frame on the celebration of women with more questions we get to understand their train of thought. Which is important because if these are the leaders of our tomorrow then stand a chance of changing our today!
2. Does the month of August feel different from every other month?
💬Bahle: "The month of August feels the same as other months to me. I feel that we need to do more for all women."

💬Joe: "I think it feels like any other month, the days and nights are the same but there’s a heightened conscious on just appreciating the women we are surrounded with".

The men had similar answers. I started to wonder if “the months” celebrations were as effective and what the allocation of the month, did for women. This is a general question on all women’s mind “what does women's month do for me personally? will there be less catcalling, rape and abuse? Sure the month's celebration are not to be frowned upon but the question is, Are they enough? 
I continue the conversation with Joe 
photo by Phila T Shidi

3. How do you feel about the hashtag “men are trash”?
💬Joe: "I’m all for the hashtag. I think as men when we are attacked with social ills we tend to overlook the context, I remember seeing a lot of posts on social media where some men would say things like “If men are trash then you’re also referring to your fathers and elders”, for us as men to actually start changing our society and create safer environments for our women, we need to accept that we have a problem, we need to accept that WE ARE THE PROBLEM. Only then can we start to seek solutions that will change the stigma".

The hashtag came to life in full motion after the death of Karabo Mokoena. Social media became a large driver in hosting the controversy and thoughts around the topic

4. How do you feel about the woman in your life?
💬Joe: "Growing up, my parents have been the biggest influences towards the person I am today. My mom especially taught me how to treat my younger sisters. She said to protect them and be a strong figure in their lives, with this came certain values instilled in me and made me seek these values in the people that surround me. I feel very happy about the women in my life, they have an evolving influence on me and are continuously shaping me to be better".

5. What does the term “female” mean to you?
💬Joe: "I remember how in high school we learned about prefixes and suffixes, you know how we have the word male and we need to add the “fe” to it so that it refers to our women? That’s a prefix and it’s one that comes before, to me the word female simply means one that comes first. In everything!"

The way men are brought up tends to affect their thought process, yet we can not solely rely on that single factor. I feel that our schooling curriculum should cover behavior on a more interactive level rather than leave our youth to be consumed by what society drowns them with. 

6. Do you have a message for fellow aspiring male entrepreneurs?
💬Joe: "I’d like to remind my fellow entrepreneurs that the future is female. We need to strive to create better environments and not underestimate women in our industry or the workplace. Let’s constantly continue opportunities that will make all of us win."

This conversation has to be regarded as a fruitful interaction because with the understanding of tomorrow's leaders we can change the future and how we act today. The main objective is to inspire men with individuals who are relatable to them. Joe human is an aspiring business owner who shares his thoughts on his website. 

Women’s month should not be August only! It should be every day. With the daily struggles that females face one can only assume that we going to need more than 31 days of appreciation and awareness. There are foundations that work on the empowerment of women in business and around the world and they are the torchbearers for the movement.




Tuesday 14 August 2018

These Bones Will Rise Again

Phenomenal !!!

“I finally found the word, Panashe!  Your ability to write is phenomenal.”

African Flavour
7 August 2018 Panashe Chigumadzi the author of Sweet Medicine discussed her book titled “These Bones Will Rise Again” at African Flavors Books, a local bookshop in Braam. The bookstore is known for being the premium re-seller of African stories, authors, and knowledge.

Panashe’s work filled the store with intrigued powerful people of color, from well-known poets to feminists. All hungry to hear what she had to say. The author is a young ambitious media executive who is aimed at reaffirming the African identity.

These bones will rise again speaks of the people of Zimbabwe and the political occurrences while adequately bringing the country's history into focus. The book dances with the roles of females in the journey of the nation but mainly the two ancestral spirits of her grandmother and the mother of the nation.
Moja love TV
I asked her why her book danced so authentically with women empowerment and African identity and How as an African she plans to evolve and bring her vision into the book. Panashe read from her artwork. “Page 28, the struggles over history are complex”  six letters into her reply her voice grabbed the attention of every individual in the room poetically wrapping everyone's thoughts around the story.

Panashe speaks of her paternal grandmother, Mbuya Lilian Chigumadzi at the launch. Panashe described her as free, strong in charge of her life, unburdened from any preconceived notions placed on women like children and a husband. When Panashe described her gran's journey, the bookshop listened intensely, one could only envision a strong black woman.

Displacement is also a topic in the novel. Her thoughts dismantle ideas of being or belonging to a certain region and arose questions like, why are Africans so indifferent when handling or attending to one another’s political struggles. I believe Panashes writing speaks in multitudes and should be provided as literature in learning institutions such as high schools and colleges. Her ability to captivate the audience with well-placed analogies and tactful metaphors is simply Phenomenal. We don’t have many African idols but Panashe may be just what we need.

thank you 

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We discuss women's month with a familiar face  

Tuesday 7 August 2018


According to Ragan's PR Daily .. there are four easy steps to live by

1. Develop collaboratively.
Create an open environment without an autocratic leadership style. The created environment should look at focusing and supporting members of the team. ALL!!! ideas should be heard, considered and then decided on. Aim for mutually beneficial interactions that involve respect, an exchanging of ideas.

2. State a challenge, not a solution.
Focus on the goals of the team this should allow a more orientated outlook. All stated objective should be SMART- Specific, Measurement, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound. This should bring the holistic feeling inevitably leading to a more successful output.
3. Invest time for feedback.
Involve your internal marketing, production, sales team. An internal audit may bring a more unanimous approach in decision making allowing for the organizations to be perceived as well-informed and clued up about their clients, strengthening the client/agency relationships.

4. Standardize and streamline the approval process.
Designated roles are of great importance to all the members of the team. The knowledge of one's role provides perspective and objectives are easily reached in this manner. This leads to a democratic practice in regards to leadership. Clear ownership of the approval process allows structure and a hierarchy that is easily managed and creates the lack of space for “bad briefs”.


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These Bones Will Rise Again